; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; *** CLASSICAL MUSIC - HELP FILE SCRIPT **** ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; PAD 20-9-95 ; ; data relating to keyword expected to start after first space ; #### ; HOME ; #### "[EventChain] Home" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] This is the Home screen, giving you easy access to all of the features of The Attica Guide to Classical Music." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] home.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Select the section you want by clicking on the appropriate icon. You will then be taken to that section." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] home.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Composers to find detailed information about classical composers. Find out about the life of a classical composer and his or her published works." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_comp.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Compositions to listen to classical music extracts and read about the pieces themselves. Find out why a piece was written and learn about the themes that are developed in it." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_cpos.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Timeline for a visual overview of the history of western classical music. See at a glance when composers lived, how historical events affected their lives, and when famous pieces were composed and performed." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_time.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Introduction for a brief history of western classical music with narration and pictures." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_intro.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Performance to create your own concert performance. Choose a combination of any of the compositions based on their music type, and their composer or music period, then sit back and listen to your selection." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_perf.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Index and Glossary for a quick and easy way to search for any composer, composition, or glossary term included on the disc." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_index.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Help for a guide to how to use The Attica Guide to Classical Music." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_help.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Credits to view the Credits screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_cred.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on Exit to leave the program." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] hp_exit.dib" ; ****NAV BAR*** "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Across the top of almost every screen is the navigation bar, which contains a number of icons. Each icon represents a section of the disc. By clicking on one of these icons you can move to the relevant section of the disc." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] nav_bar.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the tickets to move to the Home screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] nb_home.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the bust to move to the Composers screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] nb_poser.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the manuscript to move to the Compositions screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] nb_posit.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the metronome to move to the Timeline screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] nb_time.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the conductor's hands to move to the Performance screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] nb_perf.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the manuscript folder to move to the Index and Glossary screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] nb_index.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the question mark to move to the Help screen for the section of the disc you are currently visiting." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] nb_help.dib" ; ############ ; Introduction ; ############ "[EventChain] Introduction" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] This section gives a narrated introduction to the development of classical music. The audio plays through automatically, with images and music changing throughout." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] intro.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use the arrows to move forwards and backwards through the screens." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] it_arrow.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use Pause and Play to control the narrative." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] it_play.dib" ; ######### ; COMPOSERS ; ######### "[EventChain] Composers" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] This section allows you to find out detailed information about classical composers. Find out about the life of a composer and his or her published works." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] poser.dib" ;*** LIST OF COMPOSERS *** "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on this icon to access an alphabetical list of the composers featured on this disc." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_clist.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Scroll through the list, and click on the composer you are interested in to move to the screen for that composer." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_clbox.dib" ;*** AUDIO LIST OF CURRENT COMPOSER**** "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on this icon to access an alphabetical list of the composer's works that can be listened to." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_audio.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the piece you wish to hear." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_alist.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use the Audio Controls to Pause or Stop the piece." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_a_ctl.dib" ;*** BIOGRAPHY OF COMPOSER *** "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on this icon to access a biography of the composer." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_bio.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use the arrows to scroll the text up and down. Click on Close to return to the Composers screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_biobx.dib" ;*** WORKS LIST *** "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on this icon to access a list of works for the composer that you are currently viewing." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_works.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] The list of works is displayed in alphabetical order. Use the arrows to scroll the text up and down. Click on Close to return to the Composers screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_wlist.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] To study works of one particular music type only, click on one of the category options. The list will now only show the works related to this music type." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_wl_ty.dib" ;*** VIDEO *** "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] This icon only appears if there is video available for the composer. Click on the icon to view the video." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] cp_video.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use the controls to Play, Pause or Stop the video. Click on Close to return to the Composers screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] video.dib" ; ############ ; COMPOSITIONS ; ############ "[EventChain] Compositions" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] This screen allows you to listen to classical music extracts and read about the pieces themselves. Find out why a piece was written and learn about the themes that are developed in it." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] work.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use the arrows to scroll the text up and down." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] wk_arrow.dib" ;*** COMPOSERS LIST *** "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on this icon to access an alphabetical list of the composers featured on this disc." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] wk_comp.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Scroll through the list, and click on the composer you are interested in to move to the screen for that composer." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] wk_clist.dib" ;*** AUDIO LIST *** "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on this icon to access an alphabetical list of the composer's works that can be listened to." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] wk_audio.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the work you wish to hear." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] wk_alist.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use the Audio Controls to Pause or Stop the piece." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] wk_a_ctl.dib" ; ######## ; TIMELINE ; ######## "[EventChain] Timeline" "[Event] Load Intro Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] The Timeline provides a visual overview of the history of western classical music." "[Event] Load Intro Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] time.dib" "[Event] Load Intro2 Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the Timeline Overview to move forwards and backwards." "[Event] Load Intro2 Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] tl_oview.dib" "[Event] Load year Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Enter the year that you wish to look at in the Year Search Box. To move up or down one year click on the arrows either side of the box." "[Event] Load year Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] tl_yrbox.dib" "[Event] Load this Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on 'In This Year' to view information about the selected year." "[Event] Load this Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] tl_ity.dib" "[Event] year3 Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use the arrows to scroll the text up and down. Click on Close to return to the Timeline screen." "[Event] Load year3 Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] tl_year.dib" "[Event] Load year4 Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] To study only events in any of the following categories: All Events, Birth/Death, Composition, Performance, and Historical, click on one of the category options. The list will now only show the works related to this category." "[Event] Load year4 Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] tl_lyear.dib" ;*** COMPOSERS *** "[Event] Load comp Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the head of any composer to display information relating to his or her life." "[Event] Load comp Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] tl_head.dib" "[Event] Load comp2 Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Use the arrows to scroll the text up and down. Click on Close to return to the Timeline screen." "[Event] Load comp2 Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] tl_life.dib" "[Event] Load comp3 Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] To study only events in any of the following categories: All Events, Birth/Death, Composition, Performance, and Historical, click on one of the category options. The list will now only show the events related to this category." "[Event] Load comp3 Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] tl_lifel.dib" ; ########### ; PERFORMANCE ; ########### "[EventChain] Performance" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] From here you can make a selection of any of the audio extracts available on the disc, and listen to them play in sequence." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] perf.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click here to choose the music type you would like to listen to." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_type.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the type of music to be selected." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_tlist.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click here to choose a composer whose works you would like to listen to." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_comp.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Scroll through the list, and click on the composer you are interested in." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_clist.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click here to select the music period from which you would like to hear music." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_per.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Scroll through the list, and click on the music period you are interested in. Note that you cannot select a particular composer AND a particular music period for any one performance." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_plist.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click here to select the play order." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_order.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Choose to play the selected music either in chronological or random order." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_olist.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on 'Perform' to listen to your selection." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] pf_perf.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the arrows to move from one extract to another. Click on 'Go Back' to return to the Performance screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] perfplay.dib" ; ##### ; INDEX ; ##### "[EventChain] Index and Glossary" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] From this screen you can search for any composer, musical work - with audio clip (from Compositions) or without audio clip (from All Works), glossary term or video clip in the disc." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] index.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Enter the word you want to search for in the Search box." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] in_sbox.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click on the arrows to move up and down through the index." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] in_arrow.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] When you reach the subject you want, click on it to access the information. If it is a composer or composition, you will be taken to the relevant screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] index.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] If it is any other type of entry, a pop-up box will appear. Click on Close to return to the Index screen." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] in_gloss.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click here to select the category of index/glossary you wish to search through." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] in_type.dib" "[Event] Load Menu Introductory Text,LoadText,Label,0,True,0" "[Parameter] Click one of these categories to limit the search." "[Event] Load Menu Graphic,LoadPicture,Image,0,True,7000" "[Parameter] in_tlist.dib"